Tag Case Vacanze

Architektur Galerie Berlin SATELLIT Vita contemplativa exhibition


Architektur Galerie Berlin SATELLIT Vita contemplativa exhibition

An interesting exhibition at Architektur Galerie Berlin SATELLIT compares projects by three architects with different geographic origins and personal histories. Projects by Christoph Hesse, Robert Konieczny and Snorre Stinessen are presented as examples of a lifestyle dedicated to contemplation and reflection.

Four homes: how dwelling is changing all over the world


Four homes: how dwelling is changing all over the world

How do people on the other side of the world live? What do their homes look like, and how are their everyday living routines changing? Floornature takes a look at how people live in four recent homes, one in Kuwait, one in Switzerland, one in Australia and one in Mexico.

WDA William Duff Architects and the renovation of Big Ranch Road


WDA William Duff Architects and the renovation of Big Ranch Road

WDA (William Duff Architects) has won the American Institute of Architects San Francisco (AIA SF) Merit Award for Big Ranch Road, a project to convert an old barn in the Napa Valley into a family retreat.

Applied recycling with Scavenger Studio by Olson Kundig


Applied recycling with Scavenger Studio by Olson Kundig

Scavenger Studio is a small, 64-square-metre house in woodlands not far from Seattle, in the Puget Sound region, and it was built from material that the architect Les Eerkes for Olson Kundig scavenged from nearby homes slated for demolition.

AMZ and Perkins + Will: living in symbiosis with a garden in Sao Paolo – Brazil


AMZ and Perkins + Will: living in symbiosis with a garden in Sao Paolo – Brazil

Residential projects by two architecture studios, AMZ Arquitetos and Perkins+Will, created in Sao Paolo, Brazil, live in a constant relationship with the garden.

Casa H, Felipe Assadi Arquitectos


Casa H, Felipe Assadi Arquitectos

With House H, Chilean architect Felipe Assadi has openly declared his love for bare concrete.

Luigi Rosselli Architects Tama’s Tee Home Sydney


Luigi Rosselli Architects Tama’s Tee Home Sydney

Luigi Rosselli Architects Studio is behind the design of the Tama's Tee Home summer residence on the cliffs of Tamarama, a suburb of Sydney famous for surfing fans and an exclusive tourist destination.

A boathouse on the Hood Canal, Hoedemaker Pfeiffer


A boathouse on the Hood Canal, Hoedemaker Pfeiffer

A boathouse, a typical architecture of the state of Washington, was redesigned and renovated by the Hoedemaker Pfeiffer studio.

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