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Recommended reading from Marino Marini, librarian at Alma


Recommended reading from Marino Marini, librarian at Alma

Let’s see what books are essential in a cook’s library: the must-haves of Italian gastronomy, particularly those about pasta and pizza

3rd Edition of PIAM, the Matimex International Award for Architecture


3rd Edition of PIAM, the Matimex International Award for Architecture

"Arquitectura del Equilibrio. Mens sana in corpore sano” is the theme of the third edition of PIAM: Premio Internacional de Arquitectura Matimex, the Matimex International Award for Architecture. The ideas competition was established to promote and underline the versatility of the Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group’s ceramic materials in architecture and interior design.

Chef Mimmo De Filippo: from lifestyle to profession (part I)


Chef Mimmo De Filippo: from lifestyle to profession (part I)

The cook at the organic restaurant “Apriti Sesamo” in Parma, winner of the 2012 BravoBio prize, has been serving delicious vegetarian and vegan food for over twenty years with his wife Antonella Fusco, who is head waiter

El Equipo Mazzanti Social Design Circle Curry Stone Prize


El Equipo Mazzanti Social Design Circle Curry Stone Prize

The Colombian studio founded by Giancarlo Mazzanti, winner of the 2016 Next Landmark Prize, participates in the Social Design Circle and will be featured on Social Design Insights, the podcast of the Curry Stone Prize Foundation, on March 16.

National Landscape Day and Award coming up March 14


National Landscape Day and Award coming up March 14

March 14 is Italy’s first National Landscape Day, and will see the presentation of the first National Landscape Award to “Agri Gentium: landscape regeneration”, a park project in Agrigento which is Italy’s candidate for the 5th Landscape Award of the Council of Europe in 2016-2017.

New formula for the Curry Stone Design Prize


New formula for the Curry Stone Design Prize

The Curry Stone Design Prize celebrate its tenth birthday with a new formula this year: not just one winner, but new projects joining the Social Design Circle every month, for a total of 100 by the end of the year.

Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramón Vilalta win the 2017 Pritzker Prize


Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramón Vilalta win the 2017 Pritzker Prize

It was announced on March 1 that the 2017 Pritzker Prize, the Nobel Prize of architecture, will go to Spanish architects Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramón Vilalta, founders of RCR Arquitectes.

Finalists for the 2017 Mies van der Rohe Prize


Finalists for the 2017 Mies van der Rohe Prize

Ordinary yet heroic buildings, is how Stephen Bates describes the five finalists for the 2017 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize for Contemporary Architecture.

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